Library shelves with lightbulbs which cast a warm light.

Just call me Ash

Thoughts on mental health, neurodiversity, polyamory and kink

Some resources about transphobia and ‘social contagion’


Not too long ago a mainstream newspaper in the Netherlands (Volkskrant) did some reporting about de-transitioning and the change in who was looking for gender-affirming treatment. It talked about how originally the majority had been AMAB and now the number of AFAB persons had risen. It also raised concerns about the mental health of these people.

1 min read

Punching Up versus Punching Down


So. Have you ever listened to a Black comedian say pretty insulting stuff about white people and thought: “How is this OK? If a white guy said the same things about black people there would be hell to pay!”

5 min read

The fear of not being exceptional


So, another entry in our long-running series “Things that scare Ash”. I’ll probably be writing a bunch more of them, feel free to skip.

3 min read

Dropping the masks


Note: this is a bit long and rambling, just a bunch of thoughts I’ve been having.

3 min read

The Murder Machine

Fiction, Horror
Content Warning: Gore, disturbing imagery
5 min read

I don’t want to be rewarded with sex


Something that has been stuck in my mind for a while now. My formative years were the 90s and I was very much brought up with the idea that as a guy, you had to earn a girl’s attention.

2 min read