Category Archive

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Slow down and let go


It’s been a crazy period, and I’ve been rushing along headlong. Once more into the breach my friends and all that. And now I’m crashing.

1 min read

The hardest poly


It’s been several years, but I remember this moment vividly. My heart shriveling in my chest, the emotions strong enough to physically hurt.

1 min read

How much writing advice was based on typewriters?


I remember the first time I used a typewriter. It was somewhere in the mid-80s, and my parents had bought an old “portable” mechanical typewriter. It wasn’t really vintage. It had probably been made somewhere in the 60s or 70s. It used ribbons, and you had to bang the keys down with a fair amount of force. Hit the wrong two keys at the same time, and the arms would get stuck.

2 min read

Lucy in a kitten wig

A cat wearing a lion wig

My kitten and I had a huge argument today. Except: it wasn’t actually her, it was my brain weasel Lucy, disguised as her – and the whole thing happened inside my head.

2 min read

The Long Dark

A beach after sundown

It’s this time of year again, where it feels like it simply doesn’t get light at all. If I don’t set an alarm, I find myself sleeping 10 hours a night, and even then, I move around in a fog.

2 min read

Happy Boxing Day!

Wrapped gifts and candy

Or, as we call it in the Netherlands, the second day of Christmas. Over here it’s often the day you spend with family that lost out on Christmas Day, settling in for a second big dinner, while still groaning from all you at the night before.

1 min read

The Bodycount Riddle

A stone statue of a Sphinx

Slowly you approach the Sphinx. It was a long journey, but the famed treasure is almost yours. All you need to do now, is answer the riddle.

2 min read

The Art of Doing Nothing

Someone laying in the grass, looking up at the sky.

As some of you may know, I’m a pretty devoted Bullet Journal user. It’s one of the few ADHD methods that really works for me, and I’ve been consistently using a Bullet Journal for close to 4 years now. That’s longer than pretty much any habit I’ve formed, except for morning coffee.

5 min read

Book talk: the day after Halloween

A person wearing grey socks, with a book and a pumpkin

I’d told myself that I’d give my book a fair shot by marketing it until Halloween. After that, I’d take a break. It’s been 2 months since I released the book, time to look back and reflect a bit.

5 min read

Emotional Bleed

Two bottles of ink, spilling and mixing

This week has been amazing and awful at the same time. Last weekend, my kitten tested positive for Covid. Since we’d seen each other a lot in the days before, chances were I’d caught it too, so I decided to stay with her for the week. The reasoning was two-fold: I didn’t want her to be home sick by herself, but also I didn’t want to risk making my nesting partner sick as well.

3 min read

That moment of perfect compersion

Two hands seen in a sunset, making a heart-shape

I’ve written a lot about my fear and insecurities in connection with poly, so today, let me write about a moment of happiness and beauty.

1 min read

That one time in the elevator

An elevator control panel, in dark brushed metal.

When I was in my late 20s, my partner and I visited Yaoicon in San Francisco. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, it’s a form of manga dealing with romance and sex between men, aimed mostly at women.

2 min read

Running low on happy juice

A deflated smiley balloon, lying discarded in the street.

I can feel it. Suddenly, I have a deep urge yo flirt with people, to post nudes, anything to get a boost.

1 min read

When enthusiasm turns to dread

A person wearing a grey hoodie standing in front of a mountain

My break from work has been amazing so far. I haven’t been bored for a second yet, and I’m starting to feel inspired and full of ideas again… and that’s exactly the problem.

1 min read

Telling yourself the Story

A pink rose lying on a dark green book.

A while ago I wrote about how, the moment I started to take my writing seriously, I froze. Perfectionism hit, and it left me caught like a rabbit in the headlights, unable to progress.

3 min read

The Other Side of Fear

The silhouette of a man wearing a hoodie, on a black backdrop with red smoke.

I was watching American Horror Story, and oh boy… did that make me uncomfortable.

1 min read

The Stick-shift Analogy

The interior of a car, in black and red. The stick shift forms the centre of the picture

Where I talk about how trying to follow the neurotypical manual will lead to worse outcomes for neurodivergent humans.

2 min read

I no longer feel like I’m constantly failing

A tree log surrounded by lots of green plants on a bright day.

I had a free Saturday today, after a fun but busy munch last night. So, since I didn’t have any specific plans, and I didn’t feel like doing anything too mentally taxing, I decided to go for a hike.

2 min read

The Toxic Phrase

Hands holding a cup of tea.

I promised I’d share some of the things I’ve learned during therapy, so here goes. All the usual disclaimers apply: I’m not a psychologist, so feel free to correct me if I’m explaining this wrong.

2 min read

The benefit of the doubt

A screwdriver on a wooden surface.

I got a comment today that hit me pretty hard emotionally. By the phrasing it used it felt to me like I was being accused of acting in bad faith.

3 min read

The joy of Stuffies


It’s been a few weeks since I “graduated” my first series of therapy sessions. I’ll probably be going back later, but for now I’ll try to apply what I have learned.

2 min read

Dealing with my internalised classism.


A while ago I was called out in the comments on one of my writings about a classist comment I made. I took a few minutes to process before responding and had to admit that the commenter was in fact completely right. I had (and still have) a ton of internalised classism.

8 min read

Some resources about transphobia and ‘social contagion’


Not too long ago a mainstream newspaper in the Netherlands (Volkskrant) did some reporting about de-transitioning and the change in who was looking for gender-affirming treatment. It talked about how originally the majority had been AMAB and now the number of AFAB persons had risen. It also raised concerns about the mental health of these people.

1 min read

Punching Up versus Punching Down


So. Have you ever listened to a Black comedian say pretty insulting stuff about white people and thought: “How is this OK? If a white guy said the same things about black people there would be hell to pay!”

5 min read

The fear of not being exceptional


So, another entry in our long-running series “Things that scare Ash”. I’ll probably be writing a bunch more of them, feel free to skip.

3 min read

Dropping the masks


Note: this is a bit long and rambling, just a bunch of thoughts I’ve been having.

3 min read

I don’t want to be rewarded with sex


Something that has been stuck in my mind for a while now. My formative years were the 90s and I was very much brought up with the idea that as a guy, you had to earn a girl’s attention.

2 min read

My experiences getting a vasectomy


A few days ago there was talk about vasectomies again on my timeline, partially because of recent developments on US abortion law. I mentioned that I had meant to write about my experiences, so here goes.

6 min read

Be Brave


In my list of recent insights, I included “Be Brave”. This one has special meaning to me.

1 min read

I don’t love any men


So yeah, showerthoughts they call it. That moment when you just let your brain run where it will and a realisation hits you like a ton of bricks.

1 min read

Toxic stoicism


On my Fetlife timeline today there was a post by a woman asking for help with a troublesome new partner of her ex.

1 min read


Content Warning: Mental health problems
1 min read

I don’t get to opt out


A little while ago I was on a very lovely first date with some really nice conversation (some really lovely messing around too, but that’s a story for another day!). During the conversation I said something along the lines of “Pretty much all my friends are queer, and I’m the odd hetero out. Some times I wish I could just become honorary queer and distance myself from all the toxic BS going on with lots of cishet men.”

2 min read

Full Disclosure


We have had this rule, ever since we started. It was mostly a result of both of us dealing with exes who would mangle the truth, hide things or flat-out lie. The rule is very simple: say what is on your mind. Or as we like to more aptly call it:

2 min read

Hurting yourself the sporty way


I hurt myself today, to know that I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that’s real

2 min read
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I should have stayed dead


I understand why she did it. I cannot blame her, she acted out of love. But what she did to me was unforgivable. She condemned me to this fate, and I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.

1 min read

Close Your Eyes


I sat there, in the waiting room, biting my nails. I hadn’t done that since I was little, but the nerves were getting to me. This deeply alien feeling of being disconnected. A fucking Ludd, except involuntary.

6 min read



My mom called me today to ask how I was doing. It was so good to hear her voice, to talk about how my day went.

5 min read

The Murder Machine

Fiction, Horror
Content Warning: Gore, disturbing imagery
5 min read

Pumped up kicks

Fiction, Horror
Content Warning: Gun violence, gore
3 min read

The Chair

Erotica, Fiction
Content Warning: Violence, sexual content
14 min read
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Her scent

Content Warning: Erotica
2 min read

The Chair

Erotica, Fiction
Content Warning: Violence, sexual content
14 min read
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The Murder Machine

Fiction, Horror
Content Warning: Gore, disturbing imagery
5 min read

Pumped up kicks

Fiction, Horror
Content Warning: Gun violence, gore
3 min read
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Aboard the USS Ashford…


I’d like to take you along with me with what goes on in my head on a typical morning run.

1 min read
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Terminologie: cisgender en neurotypisch (Dutch)


Ik zie best veel posts langs komen de afgelopen tijd over termen als cisgender waarbij ook mensen die ik normaal gesproken best hoog heb zitten zich afvragen waar al die terminologie over gaat en waar het voor nodig is.

2 min read

On Shaming


So, there has been a lot of talk going on again on fat/fit shaming… time for me to break out my favourite technique: the analogy.

2 min read
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