When enthusiasm turns to dread
My break from work has been amazing so far. I haven’t been bored for a second yet, and I’m starting to feel inspired and full of ideas again… and that’s exactly the problem.
Telling yourself the Story
A while ago I wrote about how, the moment I started to take my writing seriously, I froze. Perfectionism hit, and it left me caught like a rabbit in the headlights, unable to progress.
The Other Side of Fear
I was watching American Horror Story, and oh boy… did that make me uncomfortable.
The Stick-shift Analogy
Where I talk about how trying to follow the neurotypical manual will lead to worse outcomes for neurodivergent humans.
Apparently I’m a demi slut
I no longer feel like I’m constantly failing
I had a free Saturday today, after a fun but busy munch last night. So, since I didn’t have any specific plans, and I didn’t feel like doing anything too mentally taxing, I decided to go for a hike.
The Toxic Phrase
I promised I’d share some of the things I’ve learned during therapy, so here goes. All the usual disclaimers apply: I’m not a psychologist, so feel free to correct me if I’m explaining this wrong.
The benefit of the doubt
I got a comment today that hit me pretty hard emotionally. By the phrasing it used it felt to me like I was being accused of acting in bad faith.
The joy of Stuffies
It’s been a few weeks since I “graduated” my first series of therapy sessions. I’ll probably be going back later, but for now I’ll try to apply what I have learned.
Dealing with my internalised classism.
A while ago I was called out in the comments on one of my writings about a classist comment I made. I took a few minutes to process before responding and had to admit that the commenter was in fact completely right. I had (and still have) a ton of internalised classism.