Happy Boxing Day!

Ashtar Deza

Or, as we call it in the Netherlands, the second day of Christmas. Over here it’s often the day you spend with family that lost out on Christmas Day, settling in for a second big dinner, while still groaning from all you at the night before.

I wanted to wish you all good and happy last week of 2023, and good fortune for 2024!

Update on Only the Living

Let me start by giving a quick update on Only the Living Feel Remorse. I’ll be releasing a second edition soon, with some corrections and edits that have been recommended by readers. I especially want to thank John Sundman for mailing me an annotated copy of the book.

If you’d been meaning to pick up my novella, this is a great opportunity: it’s currently 50% off in the Smashwords End of Year sale! Check it out if you haven’t done so. And, even if you buy it now, it will still be automatically updated to the second edition once I release it.

I’ll also make the paperback edition more widely available. Right now, it’s only available through Amazon or directly from me. For the second edition, I’ll also add it to B&N, bol.com, and every other place that Draft2Digital supports. This version will be identical to the paperback sold at Amazon.

Upcoming Work

I have a few things in the works right now. I’ve started on a new book, tentatively named “Footsteps down the Hallway”. It will be a haunted house story, with a big helping of grief horror thrown in. I’m still in the early outlining stages, but it feels like it could be a good, fun project.

I’m also still working on my short story collection, called “Sharp Edges”. I don’t have a release date in mind yet, but I’m hoping somewhere before summer. I’ll keep you updated!